Prices for private national and international parcel shipping
No matter where you want your shipment to go - Germany? France? To Finland further away? Or perhaps to Spain? - With us you can send parcels nationally and internationally. Cheap, fast and secure.
Is your next parcel already waiting? Jump here directly to the appropriate price overview:
Parcel prices for national shipping of private parcels and packages
The shipping costs for your parcel depend on the parcel size. You can find the price for national parcel shipping here in the table, or frank your parcel directly online. There you will also find all the prices for the parcel sizes offered at a glance.
By the way: If you use our online franking, you not only save time when dropping off the parcel, but also up to €8 in shipping costs!
Standard delivery time: 1 day (Mon - Fri)
Max. Weight: 40kg
Size | Dimensions** | Online Send@ParcelShop | Online Send@Home | Payment in GLS ParcelShop |
XS | max. 35 cm | 3,29 € | 4,35 € | 5,00 € |
S | max. 50 cm | 3,79 € | 4,95 € | 6,50 € |
M | max. 70 cm | 5,19 € | 6,70 € | 7,70 € |
L | max. 90 cm | 10,00 € | 10,55 € | 12,00 € |
XL | max. 3 m girth* | 20,00 € | 20,00 € | 22,00 € |
* Circumference of the parcel plus longest side: max. 3 m (maximum length: 2 m, maximum height: 60 cm, maximum width: 80 cm)
** Longest + shortest side max.
For national shipments, GLS charges an island surcharge of 13.95 € for the following postal code areas: 18565 (Hiddensee), 25849 (Pellworm), 25859 (Hooge), 25863 (Langeneß), 25869 (Gröde), 25938 (Föhr), 25946 (Amrum), 25980, 25992, 25996, 25997, 25999 (Sylt) 26465 (Langeoog), 26474 (Spiekeroog), 26486 (Wangerooge), 26548 (Norderney), 26571 (Juist), 26579 (Baltrum), 26757 (Borkum), 27498 (Helgoland)
All prices include value added tax.
Parcel prices for private international parcel shipping by online payment
We divide the European countries into three euro zones. Depending on the zone, the parcel prices vary. See here which eurozone your destination country belongs to:Â
Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Spain
Croatia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden
Bulgaria, Finland, Ireland, Portugal
For international shipping, the size of the parcel is also decisive for the amount of the shipping costs. The table shows you the price for sending your parcel by size and eurozone:
Standard delivery time: 1 day (Mon - Fri)
Max. weight: 40kg
Size | Dimensions** | Euro I | Euro II | Euro III |
XS | max. 35 cm | 11,00 € | 12,00 € | 13,00 € |
S | max. 50 cm | 15,00 € | 17,00 € | 17,00 € |
M | max. 70 cm | 18,00 € | 20,00 € | 22,00 € |
L | max. 90 cm | 25,00 € | 27,00 € | 31,00 € |
XL | max. 3 m girth* | 38,00 € | 40,00 € | 42,00 € |
* Circumference of the parcel plus longest side: max. 3 m (maximum length: 2 m, maximum height: 60 cm, maximum width: 80 cm)
** Longest + shortest side max.
All prices include value added tax.
Parcel prices for private international parcel shipping by payment in GLS ParcelShops
We divide the European countries into three euro zones. Depending on the zone, the parcel prices vary. See here which eurozone your destination country belongs to:Â
Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Spain
Croatia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden
Bulgaria, Finland, Ireland, Portugal
For international shipping, the size of the parcel is also decisive for the amount of the shipping costs. The table shows you the price for sending your parcel by size and eurozone:
Standard delivery time: 1 day (Mon - Fri)
Max. weight: 40kg
Size | Dimensions** | Euro I | Euro II | Euro III |
XS | max. 35 cm | 11,00 € | 12,00 € | 13,00 € |
S | max. 50 cm | 15,00 € | 17,00 € | 17,00 € |
M | max. 70 cm | 18,00 € | 20,00 € | 22,00 € |
L | max. 90 cm | 25,00 € | 27,00 € | 31,00 € |
XL | max. 3 m girth* | 38,00 € | 40,00 € | 42,00 € |
* Circumference of the parcel plus longest side: max. 3 m (maximum length: 2 m, maximum height: 60 cm, maximum width: 80 cm)
** Longest + shortest side max.
All prices include value added tax.
All parcel prices - online and in the ParcelShop - at a glance
For all details, select your destination country from the list or by clicking on the map. This way you can see all the information and shipping costs at a glance. Or use our online franking directly. There you can select the desired country and directly see the current shipping prices per parcel size. Simply click and off you go.

Quicklinks relevant for you as a private sender
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